advanced in the Price Cialis 20mg disease ; in fact, both had since ilied in the terminal stage, and yet in neither case was ihe typical gold reaction obtained. In regard to the cell count, there was a wide Price Cialis 20mg variation between that of the ventricular fluid and the spinal fluid, the ven- tricular fluid generally containing many more cells. Personally, the speaker had always been sceptical about all forms of new treatment : he had not known whether this one would be successful or not. luit w.\', and occasional- ly a specimen was mislaid or lost. The globulin tests used were the phenol test of Pandy, the ammonium sulphate tests of Nonne and of Ross-Jones, and the butyric Price Cialis 20mg acid sodium hydrate test of Noguchi. The globulin content, both in the cerebral and in the spinal fluids, was definitely di- minished l)y this treatment. The effect Price Cialis 20mg of treatment upon the Wassermann reaction was ai>]^rcciable in two cases. The colloidal gold reaction was a valu- able aid in the diagnosis Price Cialis 20mg of syphilis of the central nervous system, in particular of paresis. Although a satisfactory theoretical basis for Price Cialis 20mg the reaction had not boon advanced, the test Price Cialis 20mg seemed to be of great PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 131 practical value. Seven cases all gave typical paretic curves, both with cerebral fluids and with spinal Huids. In two of these a transient effect was pro- duced upon the curves ; in live no appreciable change had been wrought in the colloidal gold reactions. Summarizing, it could be stated that the blood serum, the cerebral Price Cialis 20mg fluid, and the spinal fluid of eleven cases of paresis undergoing intraventricular treatment with neosalvarsanized or salvarsanized serum were examined at irregular intervals, usually before treatment, after the first treatment, after Price Cialis 20mg the second treatment, and after the third treatment. Some cases had been examined since, after a lapse of four to eight months. The fluid changes were either nil or so slight as to be negligible in most instances. The only conclusion possible was that three intraventricular injections of salvarsanized serum were not sufficient to produce fluid changes, though the clinical improvement was marked. Doctor SnARPE, closing the discussion, said that be wished to emphasize Doctor Hammond's state- ment in regard to the safety of the treatment. Out of thirty-seven injections, no accidents and no deaths had resulted Price Cialis 20mg and the only reactions consisted of a rise in temperature and pulse rate for twenty-four hours following the injections in some of the cases, ft was, as Doctor Hammond said, too early to hold that any of the cases were cured, but when it was recalled that the five patients now greatly improveil and back at work had had symptoms of paresis vary- ing from a few months up to two years before treatment, during which time they had been inca- pacitated for work, and when consideration was given to the condition these paretics would now otherwise have been in if untreated, it was apparent that something indeed had been accomplished. The speaker felt very much encouraged by the results nf the last two years' work in these cases. Congenital Cerebrocerebellar Diplegias. — Dr. L. Pierce Clark, of New York, reported three cases of cerebrocerebellar diplegia and spoke of the experience which had been obtained in caring for and training such children. The term, cerebro- cerebral diplegia, was used for a combination of symptoms dependent upon cerebellar agenesis or some form of injury to the cerebellum at the time of